
User:JuneAugust/List of Neon Genesis Evangelion episodes

A.D. Vision北美发行的EVA白金版套装。

新世纪福音战士》(日语:新世紀エヴァンゲリオン,英語:Neon Genesis Evangelion)是由日本动画制作公司Gainax龙之子制作并由庵野秀明导演的动画系列片。本剧共计26集,最早于1995年10月4日在日本东京电视台公开播出,并于1996年3月27日结束其首次播映。《新世纪福音战士》是一部机甲风格的世界末日动画[1]。故事聚焦于准军事组织NERV招募来的一名十多岁男孩,驾驶一架名为“EVA”的大型半机器人,对抗被称为“使徒”怪物。这场演出主要发生在全球灾难之后的未来东京,以EVA的驾驶员和NERV的成员为中心,试图阻止灾难再次发生。


Gainax工作室的准备工作最早始于1993年7月[2],同年9月20日在其内部召开了会议将项目名称定为“人造人Evangelion”,但是首两集的制作却是始于1994年9月[3],中间持续了数月[4]。剧本创作的时间也很长。据导演庵野秀明的回忆,第一集的剧本在六个月之后才完成[5]。在1995年7月22日至23日举行的第二届“Gainax festival”上,首两集以16毫米英语16 mm film格式放映在200人的面前。尽管当时成品依然处于初期阶段,但两集都收到了观影者的好评[6]。这两集的单集导演由《EVA》副导演鹤卷和哉担任,庵野秀明和摩砂雪担任单集副导演,他们亲自绘制了全集的分镜[7]。作画监督分别由铃木俊二和本田雄担任[8][9]。配音始于1995年3月27日。在这期间制作进度很不稳定,并且并没有遵循事件的时间顺序。由于不可抗力的原因,第六集是紧随在前三集之后制作的,随后才是第四和第五集[10]。第四集由甚目喜一负责绘制分镜,这一集也是唯一没有庵野秀明参与编剧的剧集[11]。从第三集以后,萨川昭夫加入了编剧队伍,他参与了本剧其他几集的情节构思和剧本创作[12]





尽管如此,到了第18集,EVA1号机的狂暴行为已经引起了足够的轰动,“被批评为不适合儿童观看的动画节目”,而第20集也同样因为画面外的葛城美里加持良治发生性关系而受到批评[15]。随着这种受广欢迎,第一个卷录影带《Genesis 0:1》(内含首两集)刚一发售就卖光了。当这个系列的最后一集播出时,这个故事显然还没有结束:第三次冲击和人类补完计划被暗示已经开始甚至结束,但是最后两集主要集中在剧中人物的心理上,给观众留下了深深的疑惑,不清楚究竟发生了什么。为了更好地解释结尾发生的事情,《新世纪福音战士剧场版:THE END OF EVANGELION》取代或补充了电视放映的第25和26集。

该剧于2000年首次在北美旧金山地区的美国公共广播公司(PBS)成员电视台“超级电视台KTEH”(现在的KQEH)播出,作为其“Sunday Late-Prime“(晚上9点至午夜12点)科幻节目系列的一部分。前两集在2003年2月24日至25日作为Toonami巨型机器人周的一部分首次在卡通网络上以译制格式播出,不过这两集的内容都经过了大量的剪辑。后来,从2005年10月20日到2006年4月13日,全剧在Adult Swim上几乎未作剪辑的全部播出。

2004年,英语版授权方A.D. Vision在其白金版DVD套装中发布了导演剪辑版的第21至24集。导演剪辑版中包括了部分重制过的片段以及一些新加片段,以更好地解释发生在《新世纪福音战士剧场版:THE END OF EVANGELION》中的事件。


每一集都有两个标题:一个是原版的日文标题,另一个是由日本制作方Gainax自己选择的英文标题,以吸引眼球的形式出现。大多数情况下,官方英文标题并不是日文标题的直接翻译。例如,第二集的日文标题的直接翻译是“陌生的天花板”,但英文标题却是《野兽(The Beast)》。然而,有时候这两个标题要么相似,要么完全相同,就像第一集的标题《使徒来袭》一样。2019年Netflix播映的版本使用了日语片名的直接翻译,如下表所示。

集数[16] 标题[16] 中文标题[17] 演出[8] 劇本[8] 放映日[8]
"Angel Attack"(Angel Attack)
使徒来袭鹤卷和哉庵野秀明1995年10月4日 (1995-10-04TJapan)
"The Beast"(Unfamiliar Ceilings)
1995年10月11日 (1995-10-11)
"A Transfer"(The Silent Phone)
1995年10月18日 (1995-10-18)
"Hedgehog's Dilemma"(Rain, After Running Away)[a]
雨,逃出去之后Tsuyoshi KagaAkio Satsukawa1995年10月25日 (1995-10-25)
Overstressed from being made an Evangelion pilot, the previous fight with Shamshel, and fighting with Misato, Shinji runs away from home, soon encountering Kensuke in a field. Shinji is soon recaptured by NERV and reluctantly accepts to resume piloting EVA Unit 01, but Misato states that if he cannot have the right attitude then he should quit being a pilot. She forces his resignation, and after saying goodbye to his classmates Shinji prepares to leave Tokyo-3 by train. However, at the last minute both Shinji and Misato have an epiphany that gives them a deeper understanding of each other. Shinji does not board his train to leave Tokyo-3 and decides to stay. Misato welcomes him back.[25]
"Rei I"(Rei, Beyond the Heart)
零,心的彼方Keiichi Sugiyama庵野秀明
Akio Satsukawa
1995年11月1日 (1995-11-01)
Evangelion Unit 00 is finally repaired after it went berserk during the experiment it was in before the events of the first episode. Shinji tries to get to know the pilot of Unit 00, Rei Ayanami, better but finds that she is incredibly insular, has no friends, and records of her past have been erased. A new and powerful Angel arrives: Ramiel, a floating monolithic metal diamond with a powerful particle beam blast which nearly kills Shinji in Unit 01.[25]
"Rei II"(Showdown in Tokyo-3)
决战,第 3 新东京市Hiroyuki Ishido庵野秀明
Akio Satsukawa
1995年11月8日 (1995-11-08)
The Angel Ramiel is boring down through the upper layers of Tokyo-3 to reach NERV headquarters in the geofront below. Possessing a strong beam attack and the strongest AT field ever observed, a direct assault by an Evangelion would meet with failure. A plan ("Operation Yashima") is devised in which Shinji in Unit 01 will use an advanced prototype positron rifle to shoot Ramiel from outside its target zone, which must use the entire electrical output of Japan in order to operate, while Rei in Unit 00 shields Unit 01. Shinji's first shot misses while Ramiel retaliates with its energy beam, but Rei steps in front of Unit 01 to shield him. The shield is quickly worn down by the Angel's attack, and Shinji just barely manages to fire the second shot in time, destroying the Angel as Unit 00 is almost destroyed. He then comes out of his Evangelion to open the hatch's to Rei's, finding her alive and crying with relief. When Rei shows her confusion at not knowing how to respond, Shinji just tells her to try smiling.[29]
"A Human Work"(The Works of Man)
人所制造的东西Keiichi Sugiyama庵野秀明
Yōji Enokido
1995年11月15日 (1995-11-15)
Dr. Ritsuko Akagi, NERV's chief scientist, explains to Shinji more of the classified real nature of Second Impact, the Angels, and the mission of the Evangelions to defeat them. A rival organization of NERV builds a prototype giant robot, Jet Alone, meant as an alternative to the Evangelions, which this new robot line will supersede. Unlike the Evangelion units, which rely on external or limited battery power, the Jet Alone has an on-board nuclear reactor and can thus function indefinitely without external power. However, during the first public test of Jet Alone, it goes out of control and starts marching toward a nearby city with its reactor building to a meltdown. Shinji keeps the robot at bay in his Evangelion while Misato gets inside and attempts to shut down the reactor, only to find out that the apparent threat of a meltdown was staged by an act of sabotage. After everything is said and done, Ritsuko and Gendo discuss the fate of Jet Alone, revealing that they were behind the sabotage.[29]
"Asuka Strikes!"(Asuka Arrives in Japan)
明日香,来到日本Kazuya Tsurumaki庵野秀明
Yōji Enokido
1995年11月22日 (1995-11-22)
Misato brings Shinji and his friends Toji and Kensuke on a flight to a United Nations carrier battlegroup which is transporting Evangelion Unit 02 and its fiery German pilot, Asuka Langley Soryu, to Japan. Escorting Asuka to Japan is Misato's old boyfriend, Ryōji Kaji. In the middle of some awkward introductions and reunions, a massive aquatic Angel, Gaghiel, begins attacking the fleet, and Asuka determines that she will fight it using Unit 02, by playing "hopscotch". However for both due to their unfriendly meeting, she takes Shinji with her. The Angel drags Unit 02 underwater, and Misato devises a plan to kill it by lodging two sunken battleships in its mouth and then firing all weapons into it. By cooperating, Asuka and Shinji pull off the plan and the Angel is killed, and it is revealed that both Shinji and Asuka broke their synchronization records. Kaji is seen delivering Adam to Gendo, and Asuka transfers to Shinji's class.[29]
"Both of You, Dance Like You Want to Win!"(Mind, Matching, Moment)
瞬间,心心相印Seiji Mizushima庵野秀明
Akio Satsukawa
1995年11月29日 (1995-11-29)
Asuka moves into Shinji and Misato's apartment where he and Misato live. As Asuka adjusts to Japan, the Angel Israfel attacks. After apparently being defeated, Israfel splits into two identical copies and defeats both Units 01 and 02. In desperation the UN takes the drastic step of dropping an N² bomb on the Angel, temporarily disabling it and giving NERV six days to find a way to defeat it. They determine that both parts of the Angel must be defeated perfectly simultaneously, so on Kaji's suggestion, Misato puts Shinji and Asuka in a training regimen which has them spending as much time together as possible in order to synchronize their actions to pull off a coordinated dual attack set to a timed dance routine. Asuka and Shinji do not take well to such close conditions however, and the training is almost deemed a failure. Nevertheless, Shinji and Asuka eventually learn to put aside their differences and are able to pull off the routine almost flawlessly, destroying the Angel.[33]
"Magma Diver"(The Magma Diver)
熔岩潜航者Tsuyoshi Kaga
Hiroyuki Ishido
Akio Satsukawa
1995年12月6日 (1995-12-06)
The Evangelion pilots (save for Rei) are excited about their upcoming class trip to Okinawa, but they are upset to learn that they cannot leave Tokyo-3, since they have to be on standby in case of an Angel attack. A dormant Angel, Sandalphon, is discovered in an embryonic stage nesting deep in the magma of an active volcano, and in the hopes of gaining greater insight into the Angels, Asuka is sent to capture it by lowering Unit 02 into the magma, while it wears a special giant coolant suit for protection. However, the Angel soon awakes and advances beyond its embryonic stage, forcing Asuka to battle Sandalphon while deep beneath the surface of the magma. Asuka defeats the Angel, but almost dies when Unit 02's protective equipment fails after suffering damage during the battle. Shinji, however, jumps to her rescue the last moment.[33]
"The Day Tokyo-3 Stood Still"(In the Still Darkness)
在静止的黑暗中Tatsuya Watanabe庵野秀明
Yōji Enokido
1995年12月13日 (1995-12-13)
The electrical power in Tokyo-3 is completely cut off as a result of sabotage by parties unknown, trapping most NERV personnel inside, and worse, trapping all three Evangelion pilots outside of the base. A new Angel, Matarael, appears and begins to burn its way down to NERV headquarters by using a corrosive acid attack, and everyone inside must struggle to power up the Evangelions, as the pilots try to make their way back into Central Dogma through a maze of closed corridors and air ducts. The pilots then enter their Evas and go into battle. After traversing more vents and passageways, they come face to face with the Angel. Asuka defends Shinji and Rei from Matarael's corrosive acid, while the other two pilots retrieve Shinji's rifle. Shinji then uses the rifle to destroy the Angel.[33]
"She said, 'Don't make others suffer for your personal hatred.'"(A Miracle's Worth)
奇迹的价值Hiroyuki Ishido庵野秀明
Akio Satsukawa
1995年12月20日 (1995-12-20)
While Gendo and Fuyutsuki are out on a mission to Antarctica, a massive Angel, Sahaquiel, appears in Earth's orbit, well beyond the reach of the Evangelions, and launching several N² bombs at it has no effect. The Angel attacks by dropping small pieces of itself onto Earth below, calibrating its aim: once it has zeroed in on Tokyo-3, the main body of Sahaquiel will fall to Earth in a massive kamikaze attack to destroy Tokyo-3. All three Evangelions are deployed at once in a race to reach the Angel before it hits, hold it back by projecting their own AT fields, and destroy it. The operation is a success, and Shinji, much to his own surprise, receive words of praised from Gendo for his efforts. Shinji realizes that getting praise from his father might be his main motivation for being a pilot.[33]
"Lilliputian Hitcher"(Angel Infiltration)
使徒入侵Tensai Okamura庵野秀明
Mitsuo Iso
1995年12月27日 (1995-12-27)
The pilots are undergoing a synchronization test directed by Ritsuko deep within NERV headquarters when a new Angel, Ireul, appears within the base itself, being initially mistaken for corrosion. This Angel is actually a collection of millions of microscopic organisms, which interact to create a living biological computer circuit. Ireul infects NERV's computer network, and then infiltrates two of the three Magi supercomputers that control the base before Ritsuko is able to set up a firewall to slow its advance. Ritsuko comes up with a scheme to use the Angel's rapid adaptive ability against it and force it to evolve into a benign state, but must race to implement the program before the Angel gains control of the base's self-destruct. After successfully pulling off the plan and destroying the Angel, Ritsuko gives Misato some insight about the Magi's workings, relaying the story of how her mother based its design on her own personality.[34]
"Weaving a Story"(Seele, the Seat of the Soul)[f]
Seele,魂之座Masahiko Ohtsuka
Ken Ando
庵野秀明1996年1月3日 (1996-01-03)
The first half of this episode is a clip show, in the form of a report by Seele reviewing Gendo's actions, summarizing the first season of episodes and the story up until this point. In the second half, Ritsuko conducts an experiment to determine if pilots can be switched between the Evangelions they normally pilot. Rei can synchronize with Unit 01 fairly well, but when Shinji attempts to synchronize with Unit 00, it goes violently berserk inside of the base, in a manner identical to the failed activation test that took place before Shinji's arrival in Tokyo-3. As before, Unit 00 attacks the hangar's observation booth, smashing the window. However, Rei was standing at the window instead of Gendo, as was the case in the first test, causing Misato Katsuragi to wonder if Unit 00 was trying to kill Rei. Meanwhile, Ritsuko feels that Unit 00 was trying to attack Ritsuko herself. At the end of the episode, Rei uses Unit 00 to bring the Lance of Longinus recovered from Antarctica to the deepest level of NERV's base, Terminal Dogma.[34]
"Those women longed for the touch of others' lips, and thus invited their kisses."(Lies and Silence)
谎言与沉默Naoyasu Habu庵野秀明
Akio Satsukawa
1996年1月10日 (1996-01-10)
Kaji begins to make clandestine investigations into NERV's dark secrets, after which he, Misato, and Ritsuko attend a wedding. Meanwhile, Rei and Shinji stay after class to clean up while Asuka is set up on a blind date by Hikari. Shinji meets Gendo at his mother's grave. Later that night, at Misato's apartment, Asuka kisses Shinji, which nearly suffocates him. Misato and Kaji end up rekindling their old romance, but she also discovers he is a double agent, sent as a spy by the Japanese government. Kaji, in turn, reveals to her that NERV is hiding things from her. He shows her what he believes to be Adam, the first Angel, which is being kept deep underneath NERV headquarters.[34]
"Splitting of the Breast"(The sickness unto death, and then...)[i]
致死之病,然后...Kazuya Tsurumaki庵野秀明
Hiroshi Yamaguchi
1996年1月17日 (1996-01-17)
A new and extremely bizarre Angel, Leliel, appears in the sky over Tokyo-3, apparently a black and white sphere. All three Evangelions move in to attack, but Shinji's attack is useless, and he along with Unit 01 are absorbed into a growing shadow that has engulfed the city. Ritsuko determines that Leliel exists on a higher dimension of existence, which can only be explained by mathematical concepts. The shadow on the ground, described as being 600 meters wide but only three nanometers thick, is the actual body of the Angel, and the sphere in the sky is its true shadow. Fearing that Unit 01 has been completely lost, NERV prepares to drop all of its remaining N² bombs into the Angel, hoping that this will destroy Leliel even though it could easily kill Shinji as well. While trapped in Leliel, Shinji goes on an introspective mental journey. As the battery power completely drains and life support runs out in Unit 01, Shinji suddenly feels a ghostly woman embracing him, and he realizes that she is his mother. Outside Leliel, Misato and Ritsuko witness Unit 01 violently tear its way out of Leliel's shadow, thereby killing the Angel. Shinji is recovered alive and well, but his experiences inside the Angel have left him deeply unsettled.[34]
"Fourth Child[j]"(The Fourth to be Qualified)[k]
第四个适任者Minoru Ohara庵野秀明
Shinji Higuchi
1996年1月24日 (1996-01-24)
Disaster strikes unexpectedly when NERV-02, NERV's second branch base in Nevada, mysteriously disappears in a flash, resulting in the loss of everything in a radius of eighty-nine kilometers and thousands of people. The incident coincided with an experiment to install an S² engine, capable of giving an Evangelion an unlimited power supply, into Evangelion Unit 04, one of the two new Evangelions which have recently finished construction in the United States. Panicking after the accident involving Unit 04, the United States government demands that Evangelion Unit 03, built in NERV-01, NERV's first branch base in Massachusetts, be removed from its soil as quickly as possible. As Unit 03 is about to arrive in Tokyo-3, Toji Suzuhara becomes the new pilot for it.[40]
"Ambivalence"(Life and Death Decisions)[l]
生死的抉择Tensai Okamura庵野秀明
Shinji Higuchi
1996年1月31日 (1996-01-31)
Unit 03, being transported from the United States to Japan via airplane, flies through a microscopic Angel disguised as an odd cloud, infecting Unit 03. During Toji's first synch test, Unit 03 goes berserk and mutates into the Angel Bardiel. Possessing both the power of an Angel and the form of an Evangelion, Unit 03 destroys the test facility and advances toward Tokyo-3. All three Evangelions are sortied against Bardiel, but the Angel rapidly defeats both Unit 02 and Unit 00. Although Shinji does not know that Toji is trapped inside Bardiel, he refuses to use Unit 01 to attack it, wanting to try to save the pilot. As Unit 03 attacks Unit 01, Gendo orders that Shinji be cut off from control of Unit 01 and that Unit 01's dummy plug autopilot system be activated. Under the control of the dummy plug, Unit 01 savagely attacks Bardiel, tearing the possessed Evangelion to shreds and crushing its entry plug. After the battle, the already emotionally devastated Shinji is even more horrified as he sees Toji being taken from the wreckage of the entry plug.[40]
"Introjection"(A Man's Battle)
Akio Satsukawa
1996年2月7日 (1996-02-07)
Shinji, horrified and emotionally devastated by the battle between Unit 01 and Bardiel and witnessing Toji's near-death, as well as Gendo's indifference to the situation, quits NERV for a second time. However, as he is leaving Tokyo-3, the Angel Zeruel appears and easily defeats the other Evangelions. After speaking with Kaji, who reveals the truth as to why the Evas are necessary to combat the Angels, namely to prevent them from making contact with Adam and thereby trigger the Third Impact which will result in the annihilation of mankind, Shinji returns to NERV just before the Angel penetrates NERV headquarters and engages the Angel in Unit 01. The Angel succeeds in overpowering Unit 01 as its batteries expire and blasts away the Evangelion's chest armor, revealing a core identical to those of the Angels. As the Angel attacks Unit 01's core, Shinji pleads with the Evangelion to start working again. Unit 01 goes "berserk", re-engages and defeats the Angel, and then tears apart and eats the Angel's corpse, absorbing its S² engine in the process.[40]
心のかたち 人のかたち
"Weaving a Story 2: oral stage"(Of the Shape of Hearts and Humans)[m]
心之貌,人之形Masahiko Ohtsuka庵野秀明1996年2月14日 (1996-02-14)
During the climax of the massive fight against the Angel Zeruel, Shinji achieved a 400% synchronization ratio with Unit 01, a level thought impossible. However, because of this, Shinji has merged with the Evangelion, and his body has reverted to LCL inside the entry plug. Over the course of thirty days, as Unit 01 stands immobile in its hangar, Ritsuko struggles to come up with a way to restore Shinji. Meanwhile, Shinji's consciousness goes on an introspective odyssey while merged with Unit 01 in which he comes into contact with the soul of his mother, Yui Ikari. After speaking with Yui, Shinji is "reborn" from Unit 01's exposed core. Later that evening, Misato and Kaji resume their love affair. During their meeting, Kaji hands her a chip which details all his findings from spying on NERV, telling her it might be his last gift to her.[43]
"He was aware that he was still a child."(The Birth of NERV)
Nerv 诞生Hiroyuki Ishido (TV)
Shunji Suzuki (DC)
Akio Satsukawa
1996年2月21日 (1996-02-21)
Deputy Commander Kozo Fuyutsuki is kidnapped and interrogated by Seele, who are outraged that in its last battle Unit 01 absorbed the S² engine from an Angel into its body, so that it no longer requires an external power source and can now function indefinitely. Meanwhile, Kaji goes AWOL to try to find out the truth about NERV. As Fuyutsuki is interrogated by Seele, he recounts in flashbacks how he first met Gendo and Yui, the dark events surrounding Second Impact, and how NERV and the Evangelion project were born. Flashbacks also reveal the history of Misato, Ritsuko, and Rei. Fuyutsuki is rescued by Kaji, and Fuyutsuki warns him that Seele will want him dead now. That evening, Kaji is shot by an unseen assassin. Misato receives a voicemail from Kaji, in which he urges her to continue his search for the truth about NERV, and from its nature she deduces that he is dead and breaks down in grief.[43]
"Don't Be."(Staying Human)
至少要像个人类Akira Takamura (TV)
Kazuya Tsurumaki (DC)
Hiroshi Yamaguchi
1996年2月28日 (1996-02-28)
After being defeated yet again by an Angel, Asuka's synchronization ratio continues to drop, affecting her ability to pilot Unit 02. Flashbacks reveal Asuka's tragic childhood, which shaped her current abrasive personality. A new Angel, Arael, appears in Earth's orbit, well outside the range of any Earth-based weaponry, including the Evangelions. Asuka is told that she will be Rei's backup for the confrontation with the Angel. Infuriated, she launches herself and confronts Arael on her own. However Arael uses a telepathic attack which forces Asuka to relive traumatic events from her past, causing such mental distress that Asuka completely loses synchronization and Unit 02 shuts down. Gendo orders Rei to retrieve the Lance of Longinus and then use it against the Angel. The Lance succeeds in penetrating Arael's AT field and destroys it, but the Lance achieves escape velocity and enters a lunar orbit. Asuka is again angered by her defeat, worsened by her hatred of Rei.[43]
"Rei III"(Tears)
Shoichi Masuo (TV)
Masayuki (DC)
Hiroshi Yamaguchi
1996年3月6日 (1996-03-06)
Following the last Angel's assault on her mind, Asuka sinks into clinical depression. The next Angel, Armisael, attacks, and attempts to merge itself with Unit 00, causing it to make contact with Rei's mind, as past Angels did with Shinji and Asuka. In order to save Shinji, Rei self-destructs Unit 00 in order to destroy Armisael. Rei is revealed to be "recovered" after a supposed near-death experience. Seele, wanting to get to the bottom of the incident, subjects Ritsuko to a humiliating interrogation with Gendo's consent. Wanting revenge on Gendo, Ritsuko betrays him by revealing several dark truths to Shinji and Misato about the Evangelions and Rei, particularity that the latter is but one of several backup clones. In her anger at Gendo, Ritsuko coldly murders all the Rei clones.[49]
"The Beginning and the End, or 'Knockin' on Heaven's Door'"(The Last Cometh)[r]
最后的使者Shoichi Masuo (TV)
Masayuki (DC)
Akio Satsukawa
1996年3月13日 (1996-03-13)
As Asuka's depression has grown to the point that she is reduced to catatonia, Seele sends Kaworu Nagisa to NERV in order to be the replacement pilot for Unit 02. At first Shinji and Kaworu bond and quickly become friends. However, it is soon revealed that Kaworu is in fact the final Angel, Tabris, and has been sent to merge with Adam in Terminal Dogma at the bottom level of NERV headquarters. Kaworu commandeers Unit 02, and Shinji engages it with Unit 01 in a fierce fight while in free-fall as they descend to Terminal Dogma. Kaworu reaches the Angel in Terminal Dogma as Shinji defeats Unit 02, but realizes that the Angel is not Adam but Lilith. Realizing it is the way things are meant to be, he then implores Shinji to kill him to prevent humanity from being destroyed. Shinji hesitates, but finally kills Kaworu. Later, traumatized by the day's events, Shinji tries to talk to Misato, but she is too distracted by her own struggles to be of comfort to him.[49]
"Do you love me?"(The Ending World)[s]
结束的世界Kazuya Tsurumaki庵野秀明1996年3月20日 (1996-03-20)
The Human Instrumentality Project begins, merging the souls of mankind into a single entity. Shinji, Rei, Misato, and Asuka struggle with their reasons for existence. Shinji discovers that he has created a solitary existence for himself, a world in which he alone can exist.[49]
"Take care of yourself"(The Beast that Shouted 'I' at the Heart of the World[u]
Kazuya Tsurumaki
庵野秀明1996年3月27日 (1996-03-27)
The Human Instrumentality Project continues as mankind attempts to complete its existence. Shinji continues to struggle with the impact of his personal existence, and eventually views a world (resembling a light-hearted, comedic high school setting) in which he is not an Evangelion pilot. Shinji, now understanding that his existence is not fixed, destroys the constrictive shell which he had formed around himself. He is met by all of the other characters from the series, who applaud and congratulate him, and, in response, he thanks them all.[49]


《EVA》的补充结局部分片段首先出现在剧场版《新世纪福音战士:死与新生》的后半部分《新生》中。《新生》包含了第25集的前25分钟,最后结束于在SEELE的控制下的EVA量产型与在NERV指挥下出击的明日香相对峙。完整的结局被分成25英尺和26英尺两个45分钟长的《新世纪福音战士剧场版:THE END OF EVANGELION》,在电影院放映。

No. 标题 中文标题 Director Writer Original theatrical release date
"Love is Destructive"(Air)
EaKazuya Tsurumaki庵野秀明1997年3月25日 (1997-03-25) (Rebirth)
1997年7月19日 (1997-07-19) (End of Evangelion)
With the Angels defeated, Commander Gendo Ikari and Seele finally break their relationship and Gendo attempts to start Third Impact with Rei and the Angel Lilith in Terminal Dogma. Seele orders the Japanese Strategic Self Defense Forces (JSSDF) to attack Tokyo-3 and NERV headquarters, eventually leading to Tokyo-3's destruction with an N² mine. Asuka, realizing that her mother's soul was watching over her inside Unit 02 all along, manages to synch up again with the Evangelion and repulses the JSSDF's attack on NERV, prompting Seele to retaliate by sending in the nine Mass Production (MP) Evangelions, Units 05 through 13, to fight Unit 02. Meanwhile, Misato rescues Shinji from advancing JSSDF troops and brings him safely to Unit 01, but is mortally wounded. Ritsuko tries to initiate NERV HQ's self-destruct as an act of petty revenge against Gendo, but it fails due to her mother's programming, at which point Gendo kills her. In a tough battle, Asuka is able to defeat the MP Evangelions, but Unit 02's batteries run out, and the MP Evangelions reactivate despite their wounds because they are fitted with S² engines. The MP Evangelions proceed to brutally eviscerate Unit 02. Shinji leaves the Geofront in Unit 01 and, upon seeing the remains of Unit 02, cries out in anguish.
"ONE MORE FINAL: I need you."(Sincerely Yours[v]
Magokoro o, kimi ni庵野秀明庵野秀明1997年7月19日 (1997-07-19)
Gendo starts Third Impact with Rei, but feeling Shinji's anguish, she rejects Gendo and merges with Lilith to become a god-like being. The MP Evangelions crucify Unit 01 with their Lance of Longinus replicas, and centering around the Rei/Lilith being, create an Anti-AT field which spreads over the entire world, reducing everyone to the primordial soup of LCL, merging into a single super-being as all souls merge. In a surreal sequence (in which Shinji imagines himself in different scenarios interacting with the people he has come to know and care about during his time as an Eva pilot), Shinji examines his life's meaning with Rei and what he truly wants, and after talking with the soul of his mother in Unit 01, decides to reject Instrumentality, accepting individual existence and the possibility of pain over the painless loss of identity. He is told all living things will have the choice of returning to individual existence if they can remember it. The Rei/Lilith being and the MP Evangelions die. In the end, Shinji wakes up on the beach of the Sea of LCL, which has formed over Earth, and finds that Asuka is lying next to him, inexplicably alive, her injuries sustained during her battle with the Mass-Produced Evas covered in bandages. Shinji, still in an emotionally fragile state, straddles the seemingly unresponsive Asuka and attempts to strangle her, but stops himself when she raises her hand to his face and caresses it. At Asuka's action, Shinji comes to his senses and breaks down, crying uncontrollably.






  1. ^ 亚瑟·叔本华提出的「豪猪两难说」。[26][27][28]
  2. ^ 化用《宇宙英雄杰克奥特曼》第6集《决战!怪兽对MAT》。[30]
  3. ^ 表示不论是J.A.、情报还是某人的外表,都是人造的[31]。本集也是本剧“序篇”的结束[32]
  4. ^ 本集也是本剧第二部分“行动篇”的开始,在分镜阶段副标题曾为“アスカ、来朝”。[32]
  5. ^ “ゼーレ(Seele)”是德语“灵魂”的意思,整个副标题科技解释为“Seele,也就是灵魂的所在地”。[35]
  6. ^ 意思是“旋转故事”。[35]
  7. ^ 本集被认为是描绘了许多谎言和秘密。[36]
  8. ^ 出自索伦·奥贝·克尔凯郭尔的著作《致死的疾病》。[37][38][39]
  9. ^ 出自心理学用語“乳房的分裂”。[37]
  10. ^ According to Matt Greenfield at the 2011 Sydney Supanova Pop Culture Expo, Gainax, who Aux1d the English episodes, kept insisting on calling an individual Evangelion pilot a "Children", as Japanese has no plural to differentiate one from several if a number is not stated. Greenfield says the English team kept correcting it as "child" and that they "eventually won" with their version of the word.
  11. ^ 对日文标题的直接翻译。[41]
  12. ^ 精神分析学术语“情绪矛盾”,指一个人同时存在两种互相矛盾的情感态度。[42]
  13. ^ 心理學名詞“口欲期”。[44][45][46]
  14. ^ 本集类似电视剧《UFO》中的一集《SHADO就是这样诞生的》,以回忆的方式讲述了整个故事的背景。[47]
  15. ^ 本集开始进入本剧的第4部分。[48]
  16. ^ 最初,该集的标题应为《希望仍在继续的疾病》,但在制作《EVA》的过程中,决定将标题改为《泪》。[50]
  17. ^ 「シ者」是渚薰的「渚」的分拆。又同使者、死者。[51]
  18. ^ 引用自《创世纪 22章13节[52][53]
  19. ^ 出自英国精神病医生R. D. Laing英语R. D. Laing的詩集《Do You Love Me?》。[54][55][56]
  20. ^ 哈兰·艾里森的科幻小说《The Beast that Shouted Love at the Heart of the World》。[49][57][39]
  21. ^ Alternatively translated as "The Beast that Shouted 'Love' at the Heart of the World"; the katakana word アイai is deliberately ambiguous as to whether it is the transliteration of "I" or the Japanese word for love,ai), in reference to Harlan Ellison's book and short story of the same name.
  22. ^ Alternatively translated as "My Purest Heart for You", or with the additional bracketed Aux1, "My Purest Heart for You (Sincerely Yours)"


  1. ^ The rise of apocalypticism: What on earth is the world coming to?. The Montreal Gazette. Currently, says DiTommaso, we're in an upswing of apocalypticism, both in traditional forms and in new hybrid varieties. 'Beyond the biblical aspect, it's gained a secular aspect as well ... in music, in videos, in role-playing games, in graphic novels, in fiction,' he says, citing The Matrix, the anime Neon Genesis Evangelion, and books such as Cormac McCarthy's The Road as examples. 
  2. ^ Takeda 2002,第16頁.
  3. ^ Glénat 2010,第126-127頁.
  4. ^ Kadokawa Shoten (编). エヴァ制作開始インタビュー. Newtype Magazine. 1995-04: 4 [2016-07-18]. (原始内容存档于2000-12-15) (日语). 
  5. ^ Magazine Magazine (编). Hideaki Anno庵野秀明 - Part II. 新世紀エヴァンゲリオン残酷な天使のように. 1997. ISBN 4-906011-25-X (日语). 
  6. ^ Takeda 2002,第162頁.
  7. ^ Poggio 2008,第9頁.
  8. ^ 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 Newtype 100% Collection 1997,第178頁.
  9. ^ 小黒祐一郎. 第35回 エヴァ雑記「第弐話 見知らぬ、天井」. アニメ様の七転八倒. AnimeStyle. 2006-05-19 [2019-12-25]. (原始内容存档于2019-10-20) (日语). 
  10. ^ 小黒祐一郎. 第34回 エヴァ雑記「第壱話 使徒、襲来」. アニメ様の七転八倒. AnimeStyle. 2006-05-18 [2019-12-25]. (原始内容存档于2013-04-29) (日语). 
  11. ^ Poggio 2008,第11頁.
  12. ^ Cannarsi,第24頁,vol. 2.
  13. ^ "粉丝们喜欢这个概念,称赞它以精神分析的眼光看待动画,这是以前从未尝试过的。 佐藤认为《第十六集》特别重要。 一个黑色的球形天使出现了,名叫里耶鲁(英语里叫莱利尔) ,真嗣的伊娃初号机被吸收进去了。 通常情况下,一个 Evangelion 和一个天使之间如此密切的接触会导致战斗。 相反,在这一集中,真嗣面对的是另一个版本的自己。 当这个小男孩探索自己的真实身份和自我的意义时,两个真嗣开始交谈 这一集清楚地展示了真嗣是如何探索他的内心世界的,他不断地问为什么他会被选中来驾驶 Eva。 这个系列以这种方式继续,强烈关注真嗣的内心挣扎,直到《福音战士》进入高潮 摘自《每日新闻》的文章《福音战士: 从现象到遗产》
  14. ^ Bochan_bird (编). A STORY OF COMMUNICATION: The Kazuya Tsurumaki Interview. End of Evangelion theatrical program book. evaotaku.com. [2019-12-20]. (原始内容存档于2013-01-22) (英语). 
  15. ^ Fujie & Foster 2004,第162頁.
  16. ^ 16.0 16.1 Newtype 100% Collection 1997,第77-84頁.
  17. ^ 《新世紀福音戰士》. Netflix(網飛). [2019-07-17]. (原始内容存档于2019-07-17) (中文). 
  18. ^ Macwilliams 2008,第10頁.
  19. ^ 19.0 19.1 祈求. 《EVA EXPO》20周年纪念展北京站 驾驶舱亲身体验_动漫星空. acg.gamersky.com. 2015-09-17 [2019-06-18]. (原始内容存档于2019-06-18) (中文(中国大陆)). 
  20. ^ 魏红光 2001,第10頁.
  21. ^ Napier 2004,第210頁.
  22. ^ Napier 2005,第96-97頁.
  23. ^ Shinseiki Evangerion - Story. Gainax. [2013-10-17]. (原始内容存档于2013-01-11) (日语). 
  24. ^ 24.0 24.1 魏红光 2001,第18頁.
  25. ^ 25.0 25.1 25.2 魏红光 2001,第19頁.
  26. ^ Sony Magazines,No.02,p.23.
  27. ^ 小黒祐一郎. 第36回 エヴァ雑記「第参話 鳴らない、電話」. アニメ様の七転八倒. AnimeStyle. 2006-05-22 [2018-07-22]. (原始内容存档于2018-10-10) (日语). 
  28. ^ 小黒祐一郎. 第37回 エヴァ雑記「第四話 雨、逃げ出した後」. アニメ様の七転八倒. AnimeStyle. 2006-05-23 [2018-07-22]. (原始内容存档于2018-10-10) (日语). 
  29. ^ 29.0 29.1 29.2 魏红光 2001,第20頁.
  30. ^ 小黒祐一郎. 第39回 エヴァ雑記「第六話 決戦、第3新東京市」. アニメ様の七転八倒. AnimeStyle. 2006-05-25 [2019-10-20]. (原始内容存档于2016-11-15) (日语). 
  31. ^ 小黒祐一郎. 第40回 エヴァ雑記「第七話 人の造りしもの」. アニメ様の七転八倒. AnimeStyle. 2006-05-26 [2019-12-20]. (原始内容存档于2016-11-21) (日语). 
  32. ^ 32.0 32.1 小黒祐一郎. 第41回 エヴァ雑記「第八話 アスカ、来日」. アニメ様の七転八倒. AnimeStyle. 2006-05-29 [2019-12-20]. (原始内容存档于2016-12-26) (日语). 
  33. ^ 33.0 33.1 33.2 33.3 魏红光 2001,第21頁.
  34. ^ 34.0 34.1 34.2 34.3 魏红光 2001,第22頁.
  35. ^ 35.0 35.1 小黒祐一郎. 第47回 エヴァ雑記「第拾四話 ゼーレ、魂の座」. アニメ様の七転八倒. AnimeStyle. 2006-06-06 [2018-07-22]. (原始内容存档于2018-10-10) (日语). 
  36. ^ 小黒祐一郎. 第48回 エヴァ雑記「第拾伍話 嘘と沈黙」. アニメ様の七転八倒. AnimeStyle. 2006-06-07 [2019-12-20]. (原始内容存档于2016-10-27) (日语). 
  37. ^ 37.0 37.1 小黒祐一郎. 第49回 エヴァ雑記「第拾六話 死に至る病、そして」. アニメ様の七転八倒. AnimeStyle. 2006-06-08 [2018-07-22]. (原始内容存档于2018-10-10) (日语). 
  38. ^ EVA增刊III 2007,第63頁.
  39. ^ 39.0 39.1 EVA增刊III 2007,第165頁.
  40. ^ 40.0 40.1 40.2 魏红光 2001,第23頁.
  41. ^ 小黒祐一郎. 第50回 エヴァ雑記「第拾七話 四人目の適格者」. アニメ様の七転八倒. AnimeStyle. 2006-06-09 [2018-07-22]. (原始内容存档于2018-10-10) (日语). 
  42. ^ 小黒祐一郎. 第51回 エヴァ雑記「第拾八話 命の選択を」. アニメ様の七転八倒. AnimeStyle. 2006-06-12 [2019-10-20]. (原始内容存档于2019-10-20) (日语). 
  43. ^ 43.0 43.1 43.2 魏红光 2001,第24頁.
  44. ^ Jun 1997,第123-202頁.
  45. ^ Sony Magazines,No.08,p.25.
  46. ^ 小黒祐一郎. 第53回 エヴァ雑記「第弐拾話 心のかたち 人のかたち」. アニメ様の七転八倒. AnimeStyle. 2006-06-14 [2018-07-22]. (原始内容存档于2018-10-10) (日语). 
  47. ^ 小黒祐一郎. 第54回 エヴァ雑記「第弐拾壱話 ネルフ、誕生」. アニメ様の七転八倒. AnimeStyle. 2006-06-15 [2019-12-20]. (原始内容存档于2019-10-20) (日语). 
  48. ^ 小黒祐一郎. 第55回 エヴァ雑記「第弐拾弐話 せめて、人間らしく」. アニメ様の七転八倒. AnimeStyle. 2006-06-16 [2019-12-20]. (原始内容存档于2015-01-08) (日语). 
  49. ^ 49.0 49.1 49.2 49.3 49.4 魏红光 2001,第25頁.
  50. ^ FILMBOOK Vol.9,第8頁.
  51. ^ 小黒祐一郎. 第57回 エヴァ雑記「第弐拾四話 最後のシ者」. アニメ様の七転八倒. AnimeStyle. 2006-06-20 [2019-10-20]. (原始内容存档于2019-10-20) (日语). 
  52. ^ FILMBOOK Vol.9,第55頁.
  53. ^ Sony Magazines 2006,第26頁,vol. 8.
  54. ^ 小黒祐一郎. 第58回 エヴァ雑記「第弐拾伍話 終わる世界」. AnimeStyle. 2006-06-21 [2017-10-29]. (原始内容存档于2012-11-23) (日语). つまり、一つめのエンディングが第弐拾伍話、二つめのエンディングが最終話、三つめのエンディングが第25話と第26話ではないか。 
  55. ^ EVA增刊III 2007,第163頁.
  56. ^ Inferior. Do you love me?(上) - 《新世纪福音战士剧场版:Air/真心为你》影评- Mtime时光网. movie.mtime.com. 2009-01-22 [2019-07-17]. (原始内容存档于2019-07-17) (中文(中国大陆)). 
  57. ^ 小黒祐一郎. 第59回 エヴァ雑記「最終話 世界の中心でアイを叫んだけもの」. アニメ様の七転八倒. AnimeStyle. 2006-06-22 [2018-07-22]. (原始内容存档于2016-04-02) (日语). 
  58. ^ Anime Grand Prix. Animage (Tokyo, Japan.: Tokuma Shoten). [2013-09-08]. (原始内容存档于2012-11-30) (日语). 




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