



澳洲拥有丰富的哺乳动物的化石历史,及极为丰富的哺乳类物种,而估当中最大多数的则是有袋类。仅分布在澳洲及新几内亚的单孔目是现存唯一会下蛋的哺乳动物,包括外形奇特的鸭嘴兽及被尖刺覆盖的针鼹。化石纪录显示单孔目物种早于白垩纪前期,约1万4千5百万至9千9百万年前就已出现在澳洲,[2]而有袋类及胎盘类的哺乳动物的化石则约于渐新世的5千6百万至3千4百万年前出现。[3]虽然在渐新世时有袋类及胎盘类物种均共同存在于澳洲大陆上,但这群远古的物种中只有有袋类存活下来。胎盘类哺乳动物直至中新世才再在澳洲上出现,当时澳大利亚大陆逐渐向印尼靠拢,如蝙蝠啮齿目等的化石纪录证明了这一点。有袋类在澳洲得到极大的空间进行演化,得以适应各种的生态位,犹如在欧亚大陆北美等地的胎盘类哺乳动物们所占据的生态位——也就是趋同演化的最佳例证。[4]例如澳洲的顶尖掠食者,袋狼就如其他大陆上广泛分布的一样;袋鼯科鼯鼠族拥有极类似的适应飞行构造,以协助牠们在密林中穿梭;袋食蚁兽Myrmecobius fasciatus)与食蚁兽同样是挖掘形的食虫类生物。



澳洲及其邻近地区有近800种鸟类;当中近350种是这动物地理分区——包括澳洲新几内亚新西兰特有种。有关鸟类的化石纪录相当贫乏,但有证据指出现存物种的祖先可追溯至晚渐新世[5] 拥有与冈瓦纳大陆年代一样久远的现存物种包括鸵形目鸸鹋南方鹤鸵Casuarius casuarius),冢雉科(Megapodiidae)的眼斑冢雉Leipoa ocellata)及澳洲丛冢雉Alectura lathami),及大批鹦鹉等。澳洲的鹦鹉占了全球鹦鹉数目的六分一,包括为数不少的凤头鹦鹉笑翠鸟Dacelo)也是澳洲代表性鸟类,牠们是翠鸟当中最大的种类。一如其名,牠们会发出嘹亮而彷如人类的笑声。

澳洲也有极多有特色的雀形目鸟类,包括细尾鹩莺科燕鵙科鸲鹟科(Petroicidae)、刺嘴莺科Acanthiza)、斑啄果鸟科(Pardalotidae)、吸蜜鸟科(Meliphagidae)、短嘴旋木雀科(Climacteridae)等,还有色彩亮丽的琴鸟天堂鸟园丁鸟(Ptilonorhynchidae)等。缎蓝亭鸟Ptilonorhynchus violaceus)则是演化心理学家的爱鸟,牠们的求偶仪式极为复杂,雄鸟透过建立放满蓝色及充满闪亮物品的凉亭以吸引伴侣。

一对红冠灰凤头鹦鹉Callocephalon fimbriatum

相对于近年才殖民至澳洲的欧亚物种包括有燕子百灵鸟鸫科太阳鸟科扇尾莺属cisticola)及一些猛禽,包括大型的楔尾鹰Aquila audax)。人类也为澳洲带来不少外地物种,一些种如红额金翅雀欧金翅雀Carduelis chloris)等与当地鸟类和平共存,但大部分都对当地生态系统造成不少的破坏,当中包括欧洲八哥家八哥黑鸫麻雀等,都对当地生态系构成一定的压力。

澳洲的海岸也吸引了近200种海鸟的到访,包括不少候鸟。澳洲位于候鸟迁徙路线——东亚-澳大利西亚飞行路线的最南端,候鸟从俄罗斯远东地区阿拉斯加州的冻土原,途经东南亚后抵达澳洲及新西兰。每年便有近2百万头的候鸟经此路径来回往返。除了候鸟外,澳洲也有其本土的海鸟留鸟,包括体型庞大的澳洲鹈鹕Pelecanus conspicillatus)就广泛分布在澳洲的水域内,最小的企鹅小蓝企鹅也在澳洲大陆上繁衍生活。



澳洲共有四原生青蛙及一种被引入的蟾蜍蔗蟾蜍Bufo marinus)。1935年,蔗蟾蜍被认为能控制当地甘蔗田的害虫而被引入,但到目前已演变成生态灾难。牠们广泛分布于整个澳洲北部,并以每年50公里的强大速度扩展地盘,与本地食草生物竞争食物,并且会释放出对人畜均有害的毒素。龟蟾科(Myobatrachidae),或称作肌蛙科,是澳洲境内最大的科,共21120。此科较有名的物种有科罗澳拟蟾Pseudophryne corroboree),也称作澳洲夜宴蛙,因其色彩鲜艳及特殊的繁殖方式而为人熟悉,更重要的是牠们正站在灭绝边缘,全球剩下不到250头野外个体。雨蛙科的树蛙,分布在雨量丰富的北部及东岸,境内共3属77个种。姬蛙科(Microhylidae),或称作狭口蛙科的2个属18种都只分布在雨林内,澳洲境内最小的青蛙,短掘蛙Cophixalus exiguus)也是这一科的物种。而在全球占垄断地位的蛙科,澳洲境内却只有一种。与全球其他地区一样,澳洲近年也出现了严峻的两栖动物种群下降问题。虽然到目前为止还没有绝对的答案,但由壶菌(chytrid)引起的壶菌病无可置疑地占一席位。



澳洲的海岸也是共六种海龟的旅游圣地:绿蠵龟玳瑁丽龟蠵龟棱皮龟平背海龟Natator depressus),在澳洲水域内都是受保护的物种。共8属29种来自蛇颈龟科(Chelidae)的淡水分布在澳洲当地,包括当地最小及极危澳洲短颈龟猪鼻龟是唯一非蛇颈龟科的淡水龟,正因其独特的长相而受到疯狂捕捞。澳洲及南极洲是唯一没有陆龟品种的大陆。


澳洲的毒蛇数目也是不寻常的多,当毒蛇在其他大陆属于小数时,澳洲毒蛇的数目却较没有毒的蛇为多。共有七个科约169种的蛇在澳洲生活,包括全球最毒的数种,如内陆太攀蛇太攀蛇虎蛇东部拟眼镜蛇Pseudonaja textilis)等。这些来自眼镜蛇科的物种在澳洲相当繁盛,全球200种眼睛蛇当中,近一半的86种就是澳洲的特有种。属于海蛇科的有33种在澳洲分布,大部分均身怀剧毒,特别是有全球最毒的蛇类之称的贝尔彻海蛇瘰鳞蛇科三种中的两种在澳洲的海域内有分布,而全球数量最多最突出的游蛇科,在澳洲则只有11种,而且都不是特有种,并被认为是在较近期的情况下才来临澳洲。蟒科有15种,而以虫为食的盲蛇科则有31种。

There are 26 species of goanna in Australia.

There are more lizards in Australia than anywhere else in the world, with representatives of five families. There are 114 species in 18 genera of gecko found throughout the Australian continent. The Pygopodidae is a family of limbless lizards endemic to the Australian region; of the 34 species from eight genera, only one species does not occur in Australia. The Agamidae or Dragon lizards are represented by 66 species in 13 genera, including the Thorny Devil, Bearded Dragon and Frill-necked Lizard. There are 26 species of monitor lizard, family Varanidae, in Australia, where they are commonly known as goannas. The largest Australian monitor is the Perentie, which can reach up to 2 m in length. There are 389 species of skink from 38 genera, comprising about 50% of the total Australian lizard fauna; this group includes the blue-tongued lizards.


  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 Williams, J. et al. 2001. Biodiversity, Australia State of the Environment Report 2001 (Theme Report), CSIRO Publishing on behalf of the Department of the Environment and Heritage, Canberra. ISBN 0-643-06749-3 .pdf[失效链接]
  2. ^ Archer, M. et al., 1985. First Mesozoic mammal from Australia-an early Cretaceous monotreme. Nature 318:363–366
  3. ^ Godthelp, H. et al. 1992. Earliest known Australian Tertiary mammal fauna. Nature, 356:514–516
  4. ^ Townsend, C.R. et al. 2002. The Ecology of Evolution[失效链接], in Essentials of Ecology 2nd edition. Blackwell Publishers ISBN 1-4051-0328-0
  5. ^ 澳洲博物馆. 2001. Fossil history of birds: fossil history overview
  6. ^ CSIRO. 2004. Standard Names of Australian Fish
  7. ^ Williams, W.D. and Allen, G.R. 1987. Origins and adaptations of the fauna of inland waters. In D.W. Walton Ed. Fauna of Australia, Volume 1A. Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra.
  8. ^ Wager, R. and Jackson, P. 1993. The Action Plan for Australian Freshwater Fishes, Queensland Department of Primary Industries Fisheries Division ISBN 0-642-16818-0
  9. ^ International Shark Attack File. 2005. SAF Statistics for the Worldwide Locations with the Highest Shark Attack Activity Since 1990, Florida Museum of Natural History
  10. ^ CSIRO. Insects and their allies
  11. ^ Shattuck, S. and Barnett, N. 2001. Australian Ants Online, CSIRO Entomology
  12. ^ Miller, G. H. 2005. Ecosystem Collapse in Pleistocene Australia and a Human Role in Megafaunal Extinction. Science, 309:287–290 PMID 16002615
  13. ^ 13.0 13.1 Thomson, J.M. et al. 1987. Human Exploitation of and Introductions to the Australian Fauna. In D.W. Walton Ed. Fauna of Australia, Volume 1A. Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra.
  14. ^ Department of the Environment and Heritage. EPBC Act List of Threatened Fauna
  15. ^ Department of the Environment and Heritage. 2002. Summary of Terrestrial Protected Areas in Australia by Type[失效链接]
  16. ^ Department of the Environment and Heritage. 2002. About the National Representative System of Marine Protected Areas (NRSMPA)
  17. ^ Newton, G and Boshier, J, eds. 2001. Coasts and Oceans Theme Report, Australia State of the Environment Report 2001 (Theme Report), CSIRO Publishing on behalf of the Department of the Environment and Heritage, Canberra. ISBN 0-643-06749-3 .pdf[失效链接]
  18. ^ Australian State of the Environment Committee. 2001. Australia State of the Environment 2001, Independent Report to the Commonwealth Minister for the Environment and Heritage. CSIRO Publishing on behalf of the Department of the Environment and Heritage ISBN 0-643-06745-0 .pdf[失效链接]


  • Berra, T. M. 1998. A Natural History of Australia. Academic Press ISBN 0-12-093155-9
  • McKay, G.M. et al. 1989. Biogeography and Phylogeny of Eutheria. In Fauna of Australia (D. W. Walton and B. J. Richardson, eds.). Mammalia, Canberra, Australian Capital Territory 1B:1–1227.
  • Strahan, R. ed. 1983. The Australian Museum Complete Book of Australian Mammals. Angus & Robertson ISBN 0-207-14454-0
  • Walton, D. W. Ed. 1987. Fauna of Australia, Volume 1A. Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra. ISBN 0-644-06055-7
  • Wells, A. Ed. 2005. Australian Faunal Directory, Department of Environment and Heritage
