


佩塔爾·「佩羅」·布日齊察(Petar "Pero" Brzica,約生於1917年)[1][2][3]是一位克羅埃西亞方濟各會成員,後在烏斯塔莎政權當政期間成為了一名劊子手。第二次世界大戰期間,他是亞塞諾瓦茨集中營的看守[4],曾在亞塞諾瓦茨集中營中殺了不少人。在集中營的一次殺人比賽上,他用一把名為「塞族屠刀」(srbosjek)的彎刃刀具殺害了大量剛抵達集中營的囚犯[5][6][7][8]。布日齊察曾誇耀稱自己因殺死囚犯最多——1360人——因而贏得了比賽[9][10]。其他資料則稱布日齊察創下的「紀錄」其實要低一些,大概在670[11]至1100人之間[12]。1945年後下落不明。


  1. ^ Bulajić 2002,第215頁. Petar Brzica, 25 years old, a Franciscan of the "Order of Friars Minor", a scholar from Široki Brijeg monastery, the Ustaše captain, who, according to the testimony of Ustaše Mile Friganović, in one night, on 29 August 1942, killed 1360 internees...
  2. ^ Friganović's comments in full:
  3. ^ [1] 網際網路檔案館存檔,存檔日期2016-05-03.
  4. ^ Siniša Ivanović, Špijun u mantiji, Nova knjiga Belgrade, 1987, p. 78
  5. ^ Jasenovac and the Holocaust in Yugoslavia by Barry M. Lituchy Jasenovac Research Institute (1st edition), New York (2006):
    "Another historian, Teophilo Gardini, reports a very strange contest of "Serbian throat-cutting" - won on August 29, 1942 by a certain Petar Brzica, a former Franciscan of the Široki Brijeg Monastery"
  6. ^ Dr. Nikola Nikolic testimony, see Avro Manhattan's Vatican's holocaust, p. 48
  7. ^ Taborišče smrti - Jasenovac by Nikola Nikolić (author), Jože Zupančić (translator), 1969, p. 293
  8. ^ The Role of the Vatican in the Breakup of the Yugoslav State, by Dr. Milan Bulajić, Belgrade (1994), pp. 156-57: a January 1943 interview with Ustaša Mile Friganović by psychiatrist Dr. Neđo Zec, who also had been an inmate at Jasenovac
  9. ^ The Glass Half Full by Alan Greenhalgh, p. 68 (ISBN 0977584410)

    "Wherever they went they experienced similar cruelty from the Ustaše guards. They heard stories about the fierce butcher, Petar Brzica, who boasted that during one night alone he killed 1,360 prisoners."
  10. ^ Bulajić 2002
  11. ^ Taborišče smrti-Jasenovac by Nikola Nikolić (author), Jože Zupančić (translator), 1969, p. 293
    Tisto noč je ustaš Pero Brzica v hitrosti in spretnosti svojega krvniškega posla prekosil vse ustaške klavce. Sam je namreč zaklal 670 internircev jasenovškega taborišča. Med seboj so tekmovali v klavskem poslu Brzica, Bonzo, Šipka, Zrinušić in še nekaj drugi klavci, ki pa so za Brzico znatno zaostajali
  12. ^ C.I. Christian, "Nedjelja", Zagreb, 19 October 1942, referenced in Sângeroasa destrămare: Iugoslavia by C.I. Christian, Editura Sylvi (1994), p. 170 (ISBN 9739175015, ISBN 978-973-9175-01-2)