


The following is a full list of awards and decorations of Leonid Brezhnev, Soviet president and statesman, sorted into two sections; foreign and domestic.


Award or decoration Date Place Awarded for


"Heroic feats in service to the Soviet state and society."
社會主義勞動英雄 1961年6月17日 "Exceptional achievements in national economy and culture."
列寧勳章 (8枚) Outstanding services rendered to the State.
十月革命勳章 (2枚) "Services furthering communism or the state, or in enhancing the defences of the Soviet Union"
紅旗勳章 (2枚) Heroism in combat or other extraordinary accomplishments of military valor during combat operations
二級波格丹·赫梅爾尼茨基勳章英語Order of Bogdan Khmelnitsky (Soviet Union) Exceptional duty in combat operations that led to the liberation of the Soviet territory
一級偉大衛國戰爭勳章 Exceptional duty and courage in the battle for the Soviet Motherland, and soldiers whose actions contributed to the success of military operations
紅星勳章 Exceptional service in the cause of the defence of the Soviet Union in both war and peace
Jubilee Medal "In Commemoration of the 100th Anniversary since the Birth of Vladimir Il'ich Lenin"
Medal "For the Defence of Odessa" For all the participants of the defence of Odessa
Medal "For the Defence of the Caucasus" For all the participants of the defence of Caucasus
Medal "For the Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War 1941–1945" To all civilian and military personnel in the Soviet army, navy and the NKVD.
Jubilee Medal "Twenty Years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945" To all civilian and military personnel in the Soviet army, navy and the NKVD.
Jubilee Medal "Thirty Years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945" To all civilian and military personnel in the Soviet army, navy and the NKVD.
Medal "For the Liberation of Warsaw" To all civilian and military personnel in the Soviet army, navy and the NKVD who were directly involved in the liberation of Warsaw
Medal "For the Capture of Vienna" To all civilian and military personnel in the Soviet army, navy and the NKVD who were directly involved in the siege of Vienna
Medal "For Valiant Labour in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945" Workers, technicians and employees of industry and transport, farmers and agricultural experts, scientists, artists, authors, officials, party members, trade union members and members of other public organisations who contributed to the Soviet war effort against Germany.
Medal "For Strengthening Military Cooperation" 1979 Contribution to strengthening the military cooperation between various military branches
Medal "For Restoring the Steel industry of the South" Workers, technicians and employees of industry and transport, farmers and agricultural experts, scientists, artists, authors, officials, party members, trade union members and members of other public organisations who contributed to the Soviet war effort against Germany.
Medal "For the Development of the Virgin Lands" Collective farmers, workers on state farms, common labourers, Party and state officials, trade union members and Komsomol members for contributions they made during the Virgin Lands Campaign
Medal "For the Development of the Virgin Lands" Collective farmers, workers on state farms, common labourers, Party and state officials, trade union members and Komsomol members for contributions they made during the Virgin Lands Campaign
Jubilee Medal "40 Years of the Armed Forces of the USSR" 1958 Awarded to marshals, generals, admirals, officers and servicement to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Soviet armed forces
Jubilee Medal "50 Years of the Armed Forces of the USSR" 1968 Awarded to marshals, generals, admirals, officers and servicement to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Soviet armed forces
Jubilee Medal "60 Years of the Armed Forces of the USSR" 1978 Awarded to marshals, generals, admirals, officers and servicement to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Soviet armed forces
Medal "In Commemoration of the 250th Anniversary of Leningrad" 1957 Awarded to marshals, generals, admirals, officers and servicement to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Soviet armed forces
Medal "In Commemoration of the 1500th Anniversary of Kiev" 1982 "his contribution to the socio-cultural and economic development of the Ukrainian capital of Kiev."
Lenin Prize for Literature 1979 for The Small Land, part of a series popularly referred to as Brezhnev's trilogy.
Lenin Peace Prize 1973
Order of Victory 20 February 1978 (revoked in 1989)


Award or decoration Country Date Place Awarded for
Order of the Sun of Liberty Democratic Republic of Afghanistan 1981 Kabul
Bangladesh Liberation War Honour[1] 孟加拉國 People's Republic of Bangladesh 2012 Dhaka
Hero of the People's Republic of Bulgaria 保加利亞 People's Republic of Bulgaria 1973, 1976, 1981 Sofia
Order of Georgi Dimitrov 保加利亞 People's Republic of Bulgaria Sofia
Hero of the Republic of Cuba 古巴 Republic of Cuba 1981 Havana
Order of José Martí 古巴 Republic of Cuba 1974 Havana
Order of Carlos Manuel de Céspedes 古巴 Republic of Cuba 1981 Havana
Order of Playa Girón 古巴 Republic of Cuba 1976 Havana
Medal "20 Years Anniversary of the Moncada Barracks Attack" 古巴 Republic of Cuba 1973 Havana
Medal "20 Years Anniversary of the Revolutionary Armed Forces" 古巴 Republic of Cuba 1976 Havana
Hero of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic 捷克斯洛伐克 Czechoslovak Socialist Republic 5 May 1970, 26 November 1976, 16 December 1981 Prague "extraordinary merits for the republic connected with a hero achievement or repeated achievements."
Order of Klement Gottwald 捷克斯洛伐克 Czechoslovak Socialist Republic 1970, 1976, 1978, 1981 Prague "outstanding merit for realisation of the socialism system in Czechoslovakia."
Order of the White Lion 捷克斯洛伐克 Czechoslovak Socialist Republic 1946 Prague "outstanding services to the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic."
Czechoslovak War Cross 捷克斯洛伐克 Czechoslovak Socialist Republic 1945, 1947 Prague "acts of military valor."
Medal for Bravery Before the Enemy 捷克斯洛伐克 Czechoslovak Socialist Republic 1945 Prague "for bravery against the enemy"
Order of the White Rose of Finland 芬蘭 Republic of Finland 1976 Helsinki "civil or military merit."
Order of Karl Marx 東德 German Democratic Republic 1974, 1979, 1981 East Berlin
Hero of the German Democratic Republic 東德 German Democratic Republic 1976, 1979, 1981 East Berlin "extraordinary achievements and earnings/services the hero acts for the GDR, for their development and all-round stabilization, for which international acknowledgement and authority achieved as well as for its safe military protection."
Order of the Banner 匈牙利 People's Republic of Hungary 1976, 1981 Budapest
Hero of the Mongolian People's Republic 蒙古國 Mongolian People's Republic 1976 Ulan Bator
Order of Sukhbaatar 蒙古國 Mongolian People's Republic 1966, 1971, 1976, 1981 Ulan Bator
File:Thirty years Khalkhin Gol Victory.PNG Medal "30 Years of Khalkhin Gol Victory" 蒙古國 Mongolian People's Republic 1969 Ulan Bator Awarded to participants of the Battles of Khalkhin Gol
Medal "50 Years Anniversary of the Mongolian Revolution" 蒙古國 Mongolian People's Republic 1971 Ulan Bator Awarded to participants of the Battles of Khalkhin Gol
Grand Cross of the Order of the Sun 秘魯 Republic of Peru 1978 Lima
Grand Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta 波蘭 People's Republic of Poland 1976 Warsaw
Cross of Grunwald, 2nd Class 波蘭 People's Republic of Poland 1946 Warsaw
Medal "For the Odra, Nissa, Baltic" 波蘭 People's Republic of Poland 1946 Warsaw "to commemorate the great victory of the Polish soldiers who fought for the new boundaries of the rivers Oder and Nisse and on the Baltic coast, and who saw to the return of Poland's ancient Slavic lands to the west and north, and to congratulate these participants in their struggle."
Medal of Victory and Freedom 波蘭 People's Republic of Poland 1946 Warsaw "to commemorate the victory of the Polish Nation and Its Allies above a barbarism of hitlerism, and a triumph of a democratic freedom idea, and to award persons, who helped in this victory and triumph by their acting or suffering in the country or abroad, by May 9, 1945"
Order of the Star of Romania 羅馬尼亞 Socialist Republic of Romania 1976 Bucharest
Order of the Victory of Socialism 羅馬尼亞 Socialist Republic of Romania 1981 Bucharest
Order of Ho Chi Minh 越南 Socialist Republic of Vietnam 1982 Hanoi "outstanding achievements in one of the areas of politics, economics, literature, arts, science, technology, national defense, security, diplomacy or other fields."
Order of the Yugoslav Great Star 南斯拉夫 Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia 1962 Belgrade "development and strengthening of peace and cooperation between nations."
Order of Freedom 南斯拉夫 Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia 1976 Belgrade "skillful leadership and outstanding courage."
